New Year – New York

We arrived in New York, about two weeks ago, to frigid temperatures and scooter riding obstacles. You see, the last few months have been quite a transitional period for our little family. Within the last 40 days we have weathered a tonsillectomy, a broken ankle, the holidays (don’t forget that yearly madness), our sweet dog Vinnie passing, Olive turning 4, and beginning our homeschooling journey. Most of this happening while Dan was working in New York and the girls and I were in California – I’m exhausted!

Anyhow, we are finally in New York healthy, happy, and ready for our latest adventure. Olive’s throat has healed and she can sleep without constantly waking from having sleep apnea! Putting your baby under anesthesia for a surgery is such a stressful thing, but the fact that she can function and that her growing body can rest properly – I’m so grateful.

Sophia has been in a cast for 6 weeks and has been getting around via knee-board. Tomorrow we will be visiting a doctor in the city to see if we can finally get it removed (fingers crossed). I love the neighborhood that we are staying in here in NY. We are in Brooklyn Heights. It’s a really cute area but it is an older neighborhood, so not every street corner has a ramp. Getting around with Miss Sophia has been a challenge. Plus, the subway is a straight N-O while she is in this cast as not all subways have elevators, and the ones that do are not necessarily always working. Oh, NY, how is that I love you so much while you can be so difficult?

I miss my dog, but I believe at this moment, I always will. On some days I am caught off guard by grief. I never knew I could grieve so hard for an animal. He was my four-legged soul mate. I hope that we meet again; in this lifetime or another…guess I won’t know until I get there. New York is a wonderful escape from the transition to an emptier house. But, I still feel the void daily.

Olive turned 4 at such a busy time, but because of it, she had about 3 different birthday celebrations. So I am pretty sure she is okay with it all. I’m so proud of who she is becoming. She is tough and also full of love. It’s an intense combination but it suits her so well. If anyone can pull off a combo like that, it’s her.

And homeschool too! This will be an ongoing transition. I don’t know if we will put Sophia back in school when we get home to Cali. But for now, I’m trying to gage where she is and build a strong foundation. There were a few things that were slipping through the cracks at traditional school that I didn’t pick up on because I was so detached from her day-to-day lessons. Now that we are working together everyday, I can focus on these things. I’m building her curriculum, but wholly moly, why are there so many options out there?! I’ve spent hours and hours researching and have finally come up with something that works for us for now.

So here we are:  New Year – New York.

Let’s do this…


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